Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Endless Afghan - The Thirteen Square

This is what I did when I couldn't work on the computer. I picked out a fairly intricate pattern out of the The Great American Aran Afghan and I knit.
Contrary to the opinions of the knit critics in the house, this in NOT a pineapple.
Nor is it an decorated Faberge' egg on a pedestal. (What goes on in the mind of an 11 year old anyway?)
It's a fish swimming through the water! It's also one more square completed on the afghan. Twenty seven more to go!


Mel said...


Did you say twenty-seven? That is some serious dedication going on over at Chez Quail Hill.

sophanne said...

I totally knew it was a fish!

Danielle said...

It looks great...As soon as you said it was not a pineapple, my first guess was a fish. So you're about 1/3 of the way finished? Great!

mzjohansen said...

And all along I thought it was a thistle !

knottykitty said...

I was thinkin' fish too! Very cool!

Yarnhog said...

That is a pineapple. Someone's pulling your leg. Although I like Kenny's guess the best. How many 11 year olds know what a Faberge egg is, anyway?

LavenderSheep said...

Awesome square!

I had to send a link from your computer post to my techie husband. He really loved the note.